PDB Module

The PDB module is intricately designed for detailed interactions with the Protein Data Bank (PDB). It excels in downloading, processing, and managing complex 3D structural data of proteins, especially adept at handling PDB files containing multiple chains and models, using Biopython for efficient data manipulation.

Class Overview

The PDBExtractor class, extending BioinfoExtractorBase, is central to this module. It orchestrates the fetching and processing of 3D structural protein data from PDB, leveraging Biopython’s capabilities for parsing and handling PDB files.

class protein_metamorphisms_is.information_system.pdb.PDBExtractor(conf)

Bases: ExtractorBase

A class for extracting and processing PDB (Protein Data Bank) structures.

This class extends BioinfoExtractorBase, providing specific implementations for downloading, parsing, and processing structural data from the PDB, a global repository of information about the 3D structures of large biological molecules, including proteins and nucleic acids.


conf (dict) – Configuration dictionary containing necessary parameters.


Downloads and processes a PDB structure using the Biopython library.

This method is responsible for downloading PDB files from the specified PDB repository, then processing these files to extract relevant data. It primarily focuses on retrieving chain information and sequences from the PDB structure. The process involves two main steps: downloading the PDB file and then populating the database with chain details extracted from the file.


pdb_reference (PDBReference) – A PDBReference object that contains the PDB ID and other related metadata necessary for downloading and processing the file.

  1. Initiates a database session.

  2. Retrieves the PDB file based on the PDB ID from the PDBReference object.

  3. Downloads the file to a specified directory in the desired format.

  4. Calls ‘populate_pdb_chains’ to process the downloaded file and store chain information in the database.


Downloads and processes PDB structures in parallel given their IDs.

This method uses concurrent processing to handle multiple PDB structure downloads and processing simultaneously, enhancing efficiency.


pdb_references (list) – A list of PDBReference objects to be processed.


Load PDB IDs from the database that meet the specified resolution threshold.

This method queries the database for PDB entries with resolution values below a certain threshold, indicating higher quality structures.


A list of PDBReference objects meeting the resolution criteria.

Return type:


populate_pdb_chains(pdb_file_path, pdb_reference_id, local_session)

Processes a PDB file, extracting and storing chain information in the database.

This method uses the MMCIFParser to parse the PDB file specified by ‘pdb_file_path’. It then extracts details such as chain identifiers, models, and sequences from the file. Each chain’s information, along with its associated sequence and reference to the PDB file, is stored in the database. Additionally, this method generates individual CIF files for each chain in the structure, which are saved to a specified directory.

  • pdb_file_path (str) – Path to the PDB file to be processed.

  • pdb_reference_id (int) – The unique database identifier for the PDB reference.

  • local_session (Session) – An active SQLAlchemy session for executing database operations.

The method proceeds as follows: - It queries the database to check if the provided ‘pdb_reference_id’ exists. - For each chain in the PDB file:

  • Extracts the chain ID, model ID, and the amino acid sequence.

  • Creates a new PDBChains object with the extracted data and adds it to the session.

  • Generates a CIF file for the chain, storing it in a specified directory if it doesn’t already exist.

Note: - The method assumes ‘protein_letters_3to1’ is a dictionary mapping three-letter amino acid

codes to their single-letter counterparts.

  • ‘ChainSelect’ is a custom selector used by MMCIFIO for saving individual chains.

  • The directory for saving individual chain CIF files is configurable and defaults to ‘pdb_chain_files’.


Begins the process of extracting data from the PDB.

This method initiates the download and processing of PDB structures based on predefined criteria (like resolution threshold) from the configuration.

Key Features

  • 3D Structure Downloading: Downloads protein 3D structures from PDB using Biopython’s PDBList.

  • Data Processing with Biopython: Utilizes Biopython’s MMCIFParser and PDBIO for parsing PDB files and extracting chain information.

  • SQL/ORM Integration: Seamlessly integrates with SQLAlchemy for storing and managing data in a relational database.

  • Concurrent Processing: Employs multi-threading for efficient downloading and processing of multiple PDB structures.

Biopython Integration

The module heavily relies on Biopython for various functionalities:

  • Chain Extraction: Uses ChainSelect, a subclass of Biopython’s Select, for extracting specific chains from PDB structures.

  • PDB File Handling: Employs PDBList for retrieving PDB files and MMCIFParser for parsing them.

  • Chain File Creation: Utilizes PDBIO to write individual chain files for further analysis or storage.

SQL/ORM Entities

The module interacts with several SQL/ORM entities:

  • PDBReference: Manages references to Protein Data Bank entries.

  • PDBChains: Represents individual chains within a protein structure in the PDB.

These entities are crucial for organizing and storing the data fetched from the PDB in a relational database.


The PDBExtractor class requires specific configuration settings:

# PDB Extraction Settings
resolution_threshold: [Resolution threshold for PDB files]
server: [PDB file server URL]
pdb_path: [Local path to store PDB files]
pdb_chains_path: [Local path to store PDB chains]
file_format: "mmCif"  # The format of the PDB files. Currently, only the "mmCif" format is supported.

Adjust these settings based on your project requirements and available resources.


To initiate the PDB data extraction process:

from protein_metamorphisms_is.information_system.pdb import PDBExtractor

# Initialize the extractor with configuration
pdb_extractor = PDBExtractor(conf)

# Start the extraction process

This starts the extraction process, managing the download, processing, and storage of PDB data.